“KJRJ #熱劇盟主 #總裁灰姑娘 #EngSub #chinesedrama 💘【劇情簡介】《空姐日記》是由胡兵、甘婷婷、SARA等人主演,該劇以全新的視角,日記的形式,一頁頁掀開同樣有着天使稱號的以廈門白鷺航空公司為代表的空姐們的神秘面紗,通過講述空姐們麻雀變鳳凰般的蛻變歷程,呈現出一個神秘光環籠罩下的真實世界。 線上觀看更多精彩內容→https://www.youtube.co…
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“2YJWLC #熱劇盟主 #總裁灰姑娘 #EngSub #ChineseDrama 💘【劇情簡介】該劇講述了來自瑞士的華裔建築師王瀝川(#高以翔 飾)與來自雲南小鎮的大學生謝小秋(#焦俊艷 飾)從相愛、分離到重聚,一次次生死相依的愛情故事 →https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCzrvATHFS3HqL3prb-pBhfA 👉💥《窮小夥和灰姑娘演繹現實版…
🚢 The Ambient version is here: 👋 Hello everyone! It’s 17;07 now. The sun will be setting soon. Let’s study together in front of the sunset view at Yokohama Harbor! ⚓️ 🌱 We’re going t…
🌵The version with only the sound of rain is here. Hello everyone! The growth of subscribers has really scared me lately. I just mentioned in the last video that I was thankful to everyone because I re…