感謝觀看!歡迎訂閱【動漫大本營】 請多多評論點贊和我互動哦😉 【山海伏魔錄Adventures in Subduing the Demons】 一段消失在塵烟的文明,遠古的大佬們謀求著各自的成皇之路。 一顆本為棋子的現代青年薑浩,為了找尋父親的下落,踏入史前的大荒。 借著自身並不完整的“充電寶”圖騰,他與人鬥,從原始部落到神秘的古城,他殺出一條生路; 他與地鬥,穿越大荒,獵殺遠古的凶獸,從凶獸的身…
#anime #animation #donghua #動漫 #二次元 #new anime If you want to watch exciting, exciting and passionate anime, come to Joyland Animation! Complete large collections, small collections, and updated proje…
#anime #animation #donghua #動漫 #二次元 #new anime If you want to watch exciting, exciting and passionate anime, come to Joyland Animation! Complete large collections, small collections, and updated proje…
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#anime #animation #donghua #動漫 #二次元 #new anime If you want to watch exciting, exciting and passionate anime, come to Joyland Animation! Complete large collections, small collections, and updated proje…
#anime #animation #donghua #動漫 #二次元 #new anime If you want to watch exciting, exciting and passionate anime, come to Joyland Animation! Complete large collections, small collections, and updated proje…
#anime #animation #donghua #動漫 #二次元 #new anime If you want to watch exciting, exciting and passionate anime, come to Joyland Animation! Complete large collections, small collections, and updated proje…
感謝觀看!歡迎訂閱【動漫大本營】 請多多評論點贊和我互動哦😉 【諸天紀 Thousands of worlds】傳說每當黑淵現世,就會有一場天道大劫毀滅諸天萬界,重啟宇宙。少年林飛因筋脈缺陷無法修行,靠著小聰明在問劍宗混吃等死,直到大劫來臨,恩師與摯友戰死在黑淵才為虛度光陰而追悔莫及。他歷經險阻另闢蹊徑,習得上古煉器法為師門報仇,與魔頭淵皇同歸於盡。豈料因為神秘力量的干涉,他又在重啟的新紀元中重生…
#anime #animation #donghua #動漫 #二次元 #new anime If you want to watch exciting, exciting and passionate anime, come to Joyland Animation! Complete large collections, small collections, and updated proje…