IG @jkshootingstar 今日もご視聴くださり、ありがとうございました! コメントもいつもありがとうございます。 📚StudyCast(スタキャス)の無料ダウンロードはこちら https://bit.ly/3XWoKwg 10/30(水) 夜8時より、私と一緒にスタキャスで勉強しましょう❊ みんな来てね。 当日はルーム名「ひとりっこJKと一緒にがんばROOM」に集合してください! 待っ…
🚢 The Ambient version is here: 👋 Hello everyone! It’s 17;07 now. The sun will be setting soon. Let’s study together in front of the sunset view at Yokohama Harbor! ⚓️ 🌱 We’re going t…
🌵The version with only the sound of rain is here. Hello everyone! The growth of subscribers has really scared me lately. I just mentioned in the last video that I was thankful to everyone because I re…