退婚后,我被千亿总裁宠上天#短劇#女頻#甜寵#霸總#multisub #chinesedrama #虐恋#爱情未婚夫出軌胖綠茶?退婚後,高冷的霸道 … Post Views: 22 FacebookFacebookXXLINELine Tags: 'นิ้วกลม', สราวุธ เฮ้งสวัสดิ์, หนังสือนิ้วกลม
The couple is swell. The ending is not.
Ending is horrid
Drama name:《退婚後,我被千億總裁寵上天》
男主(ML):張北淅(Zhang Beixi)
女主(FL):歐娜(Ou Na)
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What ending is that??!!
Ahh? Finish just like this? did Fl survive? What's is the Ending?