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There is no love affair between Tan Songyun and Xukai both are good actors that brought live to the story through their acting. If you watch Xukai, he flirts with all his co-stars he's still young so he making best use of his youth. Tan Songyun is able to work with all her co-stars comfortably and with ease and also to what the directors want.
There is a again wrong choice of word during English translation. The word affair connotes a sordid connotation. There is no affair between Xu Kai and Tan Song Yun. I don’t think they even have a relationship except as close friends. Xu Kai has more respect towards Tan SongYun to subject her to such rumors.
I think netizens are crazy saying TSY and xu kai having a affair. Did they not read or watch a video that xu kai regretted acting with TSY so if he regrets so much then why shud he have an affair with TSY. madness!!!! morever agree with sharmilaanand that he flirts with all his co-stars , whereas TSY an excellent actress acting seriously and sincerely owise how can her co-stars become popular.
It's better not to listen this kind of channel and news. The title has nothing to do with the content. There is no love affair between Xu Kai and Tan Songyun. Just a sentence at the beginning about "the love affair" and the subject becomes the next drama of Xu Kai and Tian Xiwei We spectators must respect the actors and their work, and not speak badly of them, everybody changes and grows up.
Beautiful Xu Kai Tan Songyun my couple favorite 😍😍😍Love you Italy 🇮🇹💖💖💖🌻🌻🌻🫶🫶🫶🫰🫰🫰