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← #มีน 9 พ.ย.-5 ธ.ค.67เทวามหาจักร์พร้อมพรักบันดาลดล โชคเงินและลาภผล เจ็บแต่ดีเหนื่อยแต่รวย
FULL| Wife stole the show in red at cheating husband’s wedding with mistress,leaving them speechless →
I would have left his sorry side
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The male lead character is worse ever seen when you can't protect your woman then better to give to others and live like a stary dog. Such rubbish dramas
Male lead already have child with another woman but still wanted to be with female lead. This is really rubbish.
I don't like this heroine shameless heroine love brain heroine she has no self love 😂👎🤬😀😂🤬😂🤬👎👎😂