A thousand days of presidency as well as a tragic end made John Fitzgerald Kennedy a true legend and fueled the myth around the family clan. Jackie Kennedy said of her husband that he had “a lif…
영화의 자세한 정보를 보려면 아래의 웹주소를 방문하세요. For detailed information on this film, visit : (한국어) https://www.kmdb.or.kr/db/kor/detail/movie/K/03735 (English) https://www.kmdb.or.kr/eng/db/kor/detail/movie/K/03735…
TBS 영화 해설 : https://youtu.be/UGL7WiCz-Ns 영화의 자세한 정보를 보려면 아래의 웹주소를 방문하세요. For detailed information on this film, visit : (한국어) https://www.kmdb.or.kr/db/kor/detail/movie/K/00633 (English) https://www.k…